Ethnic studies courses provide students many benefits, from social-emotional learning to college, career and community readiness. This infographic flair outlines some examples. Citations are below.

See flier as printable bilingual PDF.

September 2021


Bonilla, S., Dee, T.S., & Penner, E.K. (September 2021). Ethnic studies increases longer-run academic engagement and attainment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (37) e2026386118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2026386118

Craven, M. (November 13, 2019). African American Studies Course Will Have a Significant and Positive Impact on Students Across Texas, testimony. IDRA.

Dee, T.S., & Penner, E.K. (2017). The Causal Effects of Cultural Relevance. American Educational Research Journal, 54(1), 127-166.

Gómez, I. (May 2021). Visions and Provisions – Planning for K-12 Ethnic Studies Implementation. IDRA Newsletter.

Johnson,P. (May 2021). Culturally Sustaining Instruction Requires Culturally Sustaining Leadership. IDRA Newsletter.

Tintiangco-Cubales, A., Kohli, R., Sacramento, J., Henning, N., Agarwal-Rangnath, R., Sleeter, C. (2015). Toward an Ethnic Studies Pedagogy: Implications for K-12 Schools from the Research. The Urban Review, 47(1), 104-125.

Valenzuela, A. (2016). Growing Critically Conscious Teachers: A Social Justice Curriculum for Educators of Latino/a Youth. New York, N.Y.: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
