This webinar highlights recent data from IDRA that shows the impact of discipline on school outcomes. We discussed different data sources and ways to access and use data for advocacy efforts aimed at closing the school-to-prison pipeline.
See the event slidedeck. The recorded video is below.
See our new data dashboard: Corporal Punishment in U.S. States & School Districts. Corporal punishment does not teach or lead to improved behavior. But it does harm children. And corporal punishment is more likely to be inflicted on children of color, with Black students being most likely to be subject to corporal punishment than any other students.
Visit IDRA’s End Corporal Punishment in Schools website to learn more:
• Data Dashboard: Corporal Punishment in U.S. States and School Districts
• Policy Brief: Stopping Harmful Corporal Punishment Policies in Texas
• Video: Congressional Briefing on the Protecting Our Students in Schools Act